Hakka Migrations

Unlike other Han Chinese subgroups, the Hakkas are not named after a geographical region in China. 

In a series (5 waves) of migrations, the Hakkas moved from Central China and settled in their present areas in Southern China. The Hakka people have had significant influence on the course of modern Chinese and overseas Chinese history; in particular, they have been a source of many government and military leaders—in 1984, over half of the Standing Committee of the Chinese government were ethnically Hakka.. more...

The character of the Hakkas is shown quite clearly in their name and history. The Hakka's are a strong, hardy, energetic, fearless race with simple habits but a very contentious and litigious disposition. Self-reliant and active, their rapid expansion, and fondness of property have often brought them into conflict with their neighbors.

Phoenix Eye


幾人能敵搖橋手, 威震武林鳳眼拳.

Who can match the Swing Bridge, The Phoenix Eye holds its notorious prestige

Sinking & Shock force


A combination of the fierce sinking force like the Tiger, and springy shock force like the WhiteCrane.

3 Angle Horse


不丁不八步 你不來,我不發

A stance that is not Ting, and not a Eight. If you dont come I dont move.

Different styles



Lethal, notorious and fast


Branches in Taiwan



Swift footwork, sisterstyle of 白眉. Fast as the wind, solid as earth

Liu Family

Branches in Singapore

Praying Mantis


One of the GuangDong Ten Tigers style. Lethal and very solid

Li Family

Famous for its staff

Iron Ox


Strong and solid as rock

More Hakka

朱家, 刁家, 钟家,
 岳家, 刘凤山, 昆仑

The Hakkas have had a significant influence, disproportionate to their smaller total numbers, on the course of modern Chinese and overseas Chinese history, particularly as a source of revolutionary, political and military leaders.

Hakka Kungfu

Military, Revolutionary leadership

Hakkas started and formed the backbone of the Taiping Rebellion, the largest uprising in the modern history of China. It had, at one stage, occupied one-third of China and almost toppled the Qing dynasty. Hakkas continued to play leading roles during the Xinhai Revolution that overthrew the Qing dynasty.

The famous Long March began with 86,000 soldiers, of which more than 70% were Hakkas. When the People's Liberation Army had its rank structure from 1955 to 1964, the highest number of generals, totalling 54, came from the small Hakka county of Xingguo in Jiangxi province. The county had also previously produced 27 Nationalist generals. Xingguo county is thus known as the Generals' County. Meizhou alone which consisted of 7 Hakka counties has produced 474 generals.

Besides playing leading roles in all the three major revolutions of China, Hakkas had also been prominently involved in many of the wars against foreign intrusion of China

During the war against the Japanese, both the commander-in-chiefs of the two main Chinese communist forces, Eighth Route Army and New Fourth Army, are Hakkas: Zhu De and Ye Ting. On the Nationalist side, Xue Yue and Zhang Fakui were commander-in-chiefs for the 9th and 4th War Zones respectively. Called the "Patton of Asia" by the West and the "God of War" (戰神) by the Chinese, Xue was China's most outstanding general during the war, having won several major battles which killed hundreds of thousands of Japanese troops.

Overseas Hakkas have also been prominent politically in the countries they had migrated to, many of which are leading political figures of the countries or the Chinese communities there. Since the 20th century, there have been twenty Hakkas who had become heads of state or heads of government in different countries.


the Hakka's were surely the mobile versions of the Spartans, no doubt there. Tough conditions make for tough people. Their martial art had to be strong and good - the fact that they are still around is testament to that, I would say :) — Jesper Lundqvist.

You are 1/1000, In Chinese 萬中無一. How you can tranfer your knowledges? You can copy, you can learn anything instant — Congi Thu M.

摩橋 Bridge Tagging

Seeking bridge when there is no bridge

T Stick

Hand and eye coordination.

飛樁 Flying Dummy

Standing dummy does not hit back, but the flying dummy will hit you hard and fast. Train sensitivity and reaction speed and both hands & body correlation.

八仙桌推手 Eight Immortals Table

Push hands on a Eight Immortals Table. Learn to yield and project force through your structure and generate force with limited space